
Monday, June 7, 2010

Ever Learning. Ever Growing.

Today was my first day for summer school. I am taking a math class. I have not been overly excited as math is not my favorite subject. I believe it is something you either love or hate/scared of. I have never really liked math. I come from a family of engineers and I have always been the oddball. (in more ways than one)

I am excited to be back in school and back to learning. In reading the first chapter of my math book, there was a teacher who put the following phrase up in her class: "Ever Learning. Ever Growing." When a student was asked what that meant, he replied, "We're never finished with our work here. There is always something else to learn." I LOVE THAT! I really believe that is one of the reasons why I have enjoyed returning to school so much. The more I know, the more I know that I don't know it all and the more I want to know. I want to be ever learning, ever growing.

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