Don’t you just love how God teaches and guides us? Sometimes, it's like a whisper and we have to listen very closely and think about what He is trying to show us. Other times, it's so unmistakable that we can't help but be giddy because it's just so obvious. Whichever way He chooses to guide us, there is one thing we can be sure of: He is constantly speaking to us, guiding us and giving us wisdom to tackle our everyday lives.
There is such comfort in knowing that we are not alone in whatever landscape we find ourselves. The key is learning to hear His distinctive voice and trusting His specific direction. The more we lean in to Him, the better we are at discerning His voice. The more we are able to discern His voice, the more confident we become in trusting His guidance. When we can trust Him, life becomes a more peaceful place. It doesn’t mean that life won’t hit us. It just means that when it does, it won’t have the power to shake us so much. We can walk in peace and confidence that He has our backs.
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