As Christians,
growth is mandatory. God is never satisfied with our status quo. He loves us.
His goal is for us to become the individual He has predestined us to be: who
puts Him first and loves others. There are times in our lives where we are
actively seeking that personal growth. It’s during those times that we gain
wisdom through God’s Word, prayer or the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Those are
sweet moments with our Savior and we should cherish them. However, sometimes that growth isn’t all
roses and rainbows. It comes from life’s
troubling circumstances, trials or even some sin that we might carry. It’s during these hard times that we often
become burdened and weighted down by our on self-condemnation. We focus so much on our inadequacies that we
let negative self-doubt and dissatisfaction cling to us and that becomes our 'soul' focus. We look only at our
inadequacies of today and can’t see the possibilities of tomorrow.
God wants us to
grow out of love. He wants us to focus on Christ and His resurrection as we
become more self-aware and propelled into action. God gives us power, tenacity and the ability
to be persistent. Tenacity and persistence are the keys to success. If we never
quit, sooner or later, we’ve got to get it right. Our job is to cling to the hope that through
Him, tomorrow we can be/do better and in the meantime…accept the peace He
offers us during the process.
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